Wednesday, 30 December 2015

5S and PDCA

The 5S culture has to be built across the organisation and is adopted by six sigma practitioners.The methodology in order to stay alive is required to be practiced daily. Coined by the Japanese, it elaborates to the following:

a. Seiri meaning Sort
b. Seiton meaning Set in Order
c. Seiso meaning Shine
d. Seiketsu meaning Standardise

e. Shitsuke meaning Sustain
The PDCA Approach
The Plan-Do-Check-Act Approach or the PDCA approach
In order to set up the 5S methodology, organisations need to follow the PDCA approach.
a. Plan- In this step, organisations make a program plan for each of the S's in 5S.
b.Do- Employees are made to clean up their area at this stage of the PDCA cycle.Training and education is provided to employees and the program's start is officially announced in the organisation.
c.Check- 5S' result evaluation is performed.
d.Act- Preventive measures are taken after evaluation.
What does 5S do to a business ?
5S is acceptable in nearly all types of industry be it service or manufacturing. The approach makes businesses safe to work. The methodology aids in continuous improvement of the business. Once identified as a need, audit documents are created by 5S experts  like us and signed off by respective account or response heads.
The methodology helps businesses to:
1. Improve productivity
2. The methodology becomes a key driver of Kaizan in an organisation
3. Helps improve safety in a business
4. Helps reduce waste thereby leading organisation towards a lean approach.
5. Gives employees a sense of ownership
6. Aids in building customer trust
7. Helps in reputation management
8. Helps improve product quality
9. Aids in maintenance
10.Help introduce other methodologies
11. Improves working environment

5S methodology evaluates a business' approach and aids in housekeeping. It also lays a standard that is common across industries as well as across verticals inside a single organisation.For more details on 5S, call us at +91 8459136607 ; +91-9717771415 or e-mail at info@boundlessindia.comor visit us at

Monday, 28 December 2015

What are Payroll Processing Services ?

Duties Of A Payroll Management Department
Payroll management is related to an HR department's functionality. The data tracked in payrolls are wages, salaries, calculation of extra hours worked, bonuses and annual appraisal amount. The payroll processing department's responsibility is also to keep a track of employees who have resigned, left or have retired from the organisation. Apart from this, the department also keeps track of employee updates such as hiring, training, promotions and terminations.

Difference Between HR and Payroll management

HR department and payroll is different in a way that HR department prepares benefits, deductions, it tracks attendance and conduct events. With hiring, new employee records and with resignation, old employee records are updated. However in payroll management department, the HR records are updated for pay, deductions, attendance and events and the payroll management department calculates payrolls at one go. This means once the foundation is laid, it is easy to calculate pay/salaries of an employee.

Frequency Of Tasks

Some tasks may be performed daily, some weekly, some monthly, some quarterly and some annually. Seldom it happens that a task is performed bi-annually but it happens half-yearly such as half year employee bonus calculation.

Steps In Calculating Payrolls
  1. To begin with payrolls, the base records of employees joined or joining the organisation are already present with the company. The number of hours/ days an employee worked are calculated.
  2. Once hours / days are calculated the salary is calculated monthly.
  3. After calculation, salary is credited through electronic fund transfers (EFT) to employees or through cheques if employees do not use EFTs.
How Boundless Helps You ?

We help you in payroll data maintenance and computation along with periodic legal compliances at local and national level. At Boundless, you will be saved from calculating payrolls and thereby from any changes further to the employee record system. For more details, call at +91 8459136607 ; +91-9717771415 or e-mail at or visit us at

Thursday, 10 December 2015

ISO Framework

ISO stands for International Organization for Standardisation. The Switzerland-based organisation provides standards for safety and efficiency. There is a set of some 20,500 standards laid by ISO which are meant for products and services. The organisation which was set up in 1947 laid standards for facilitating international trade. However, ISO does not provide any certification to any company or body but does not stop other companies to certify businesses with ISO certifications such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001.
There are companies which provide ISO implementation support. Boundless provides support in the implementation of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 27001.Now, what are these standards?
ISO 9001
ISO 9000 is a set of quality management system standards that ensure that organisations meet the requirements of its customers and other stakeholders together with meeting regulatory requirements associated with a product.
ISO 9001 is a standard that lists certain requirements that organisations willing to meet ISO 9000 standard must fulfil.
ISO itself does not provide ISO 9001 certification but there are several other organisations that provide ISO 9001 certifications.
Now that companies with ISO 9001:2008 certifications need to be upgraded with the latest ISO 9001:2015 certification, there is a set of instructions that these units need to follow. However, there may be some problems that companies may face while transitioning from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015 which national standards bodies need to communicate to the users of the standard. Boundless being an ISO 9001 auditor is also aware of the clarifications introduced in ISO 9001:2015 and its implications. Below is a suggested outline to benefit from ISO 9001:2015 changes.

ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is a set of standards that lists how effective an organisation is in minimising its negative effect on the environment. The standard lists a business how to reduce the negative effect of it and how to comply with the environment-related compliances. The standard relates to the process of product creation rather than the product.
ISO 27001
ISO 27001 is an information security standard and is officially called Information technology- security techniques-Information security management systems-Requirements. The standard lays a specification for an information security management system.

Companies with ISO 27001:2005 has upgraded  to ISO 27001:2013 standard recently.
For more details on tax - regulatory compliances, call us at +91 8459136607 ; +91-9717771415 or e-mail at info@boundlessindia.comor visit us at

Sunday, 6 December 2015

5S As a Concept

5S is an organisation method at work which helps in effective and efficient delivery of work. 5S is a list of five Japanese words. The 5S methodology builds understanding among employees as to how they should work. The concept is part of lean manufacturing approach. It is also known as five pillars of visual workplace in any organisation.
5S concept was coined in Japan for Just in Time manufacturing. The concept has now travelled from manufacturing industry to other industries such as government and healthcare.
The five Japanese words explained:

1. Seiri- Sort- The word means disposing waste and disposing it properly. The term allows all unnecessary items to be at one place and allows it to tag it red. The term also relates to reducing of chances of getting disturbed by all unnecessary items and allows evaluation of necessary items with respect to cost.
2. Seiton- Set in Order- The word means streamline or set in order. This allows waste reduction and saves time. The workflow becomes smooth. The term refers to the arrangement of things in such an order that they can be easily  be selected for use.
3. Seiso- Shine- The word means to sanitise or to scrub. Everything at the workplace should be cleaned which further helps to avoid machinedeterioration.
4. Seiketsu- Standardise- The word allows standardisation of work practices. Everything should be at its place and as per a standard.
5. Shitsuke- Sustain- The term means to do without being told. It says simply that everything should be kept in working order and all the above should be done day in and day out.

Boundless is one of the few organisations which provide assistance in implementing 5S methodologies in your organisation. Boundless also perform regular assessment to check whether existing system / process gives expected results or not along with ideas for further improvement. We check through 5S audits whether everything is working in order or not. 
For more details, call us at +91 8459136607 ; +91-9717771415 or e-mail at info@boundlessindia.comor visit us at

ISO 19770

ISO/IEC 19770  is a family of standards for IT asset management. It encompasses standards for defining processes and technology for effective IT asset management. The standard is also combined with other management system standards.
ISO 19770 refers to the standardisation of IT asset management in an organisation.
Working Group 21 is responsible for day to day management of this standard. With Roger Cummings as a chairperson, the organisation ensures that these standards meet the growing market requirements.
Advantages of implementing the standard are:
1. Overall cost reduction in IT asset management
2. Risk management in IT assets.
3. Availability of information for improved decision-making
There are parts of ISO 19770 standard:
1. ISO/IEC 19770-1- It is a process framework that allows an organisation to prove that it is implementing the standard to satiate corporate governance. The standard has 27 process areas together with objectives and detailed outcomes defined for each of the process area.
2. ISO/IEC 19770-2- It ensures a standard for software identification tags. The tags give authoritative identifying data for licensed software. The tags can be added by third party vendors, by software creators themselves and by organisations themselves which create tags on their own for software.
3. ISO/IEC 19770-3- The standard gives the technical definition of a schema that encapsulate the details of software entitlements such as rights. The standard is still in draft mode.
4. ISO/IEC 19770-4- The standard provides information on resource utilization measurement information structures. The standard defines a structure for effective use of resources related to IT assets. The standard is used in conjunction with ISO/IEC 19770-2 and ISO/IEC 19770-3 to give enhanced and automated processes for IT asset management.
5. ISO/IEC 19770-5- The standard gives an overview of all ISO/IEC standards and vocabulary. It also contains information on software asset management and a description on principles and approaches on which software asset management is based. This standard caters to all kinds of organisations eg non-profit, government, private, commercial etc.

At Boundless, software asset management is made easy for you. For more details, call us at +91 8459136607 ; +91-9717771415 or e-mail at info@boundlessindia.comor visit us at

Sunday, 15 November 2015

How Payroll Service Outsourcing Help Your Business ?

Payroll refers to the total calculation of employees pay in a business and payroll management means to manage the system effectively and efficiently. Usually this task is performed by human resource or finance department within a company. But businesses who do not have the time to do, may outsource such services to experts like us.
Outsourcing of such services is called payroll service outsourcing. Such services may be outsourced due to some reasons. One reason could be the use of complex payroll software which is difficult to understand and use by businesses. Another reason is the changing compliance and legislation rules of taxation. Businesses sometimes do not have time and patience to understand and implement the complex legislation rules which are changing with times, so they might outsource to established businesses like us.

Boundless is one point solution from creation / maintenance of employee master database to the disbursement of monthly salary to the periodic legal compliances. Get rid from preparation of manual pay cheques of individual employees because we make available readymade cheques / bank instruction letters for online payouts.
Boundless also gives on demand exclusive facility to employees of our clients to easy access their individual payroll data anytime anywhere with internet based technology namely Employee Self Service (ESS).

Once outsourced to our expert team, be relaxed and focus on primary business operations. This outsourcing will reduce your cost of having trained people for payroll management within your company. Further,, we address employee queries related to payroll with the help of our dedicated online query desk..
So now you know to log on where when you need payroll service management. Just visit: or  dial  +91- 8459136607 or +91- 9717771415. You may even drop an email directly to advisors@boundlessindia.comfor such services.

How To Manage Risks In Your Business ?

If you are one of those businesses which is facing problems in identifying risks and then mitigating it then we are just the right catch for you.

In this changing and competitive world, risks to business are inevitable. For mitigating it, all you need is a friend who help devise ways through which you can control risks in your business. By ourrisk advisory services, your business gets leverage over other competitors.

Risks are unseen events that may occur and may hamper the productivity of your business. For this, one has to detect the such type of events and then find ways to control it so that its business impact is as low as possible. Boundless is one of the reputed firms to which numerous businesses are attached and happy with our risk advisory services. Risk advisory services are required by every kind of business. The services offered, produce results which are more than satisfactory and fantastic
Once business is ready and functioning, our services detect risks and help devise procedures/plans to zero its negative impact on the business.  We formulate risk management processes in which the impact of responses to actions are prepared. These actions are made for events that might occur in future in business or in other words, made for risks in future in the business.  In such processes, risks, actions and responses are prepared and their reporting is done.

Boundless provides risk advisory services for both inherent and residual risks. Inherent risks are risks which are present in the absence of any action to mitigate the risk while residual risk is the risk which remains after actions are implemented.

Needless to say, we define the basics such as risk capacity and risk appetite for your business. For those who don't know what these are, here is a sneak peek. Risk capacity is the maximum amount of risk, any business can bear while risk appetite is the threshold of any business to bear risk or in other words, the maximum risk limit to what can be tolerated by the business.

We provide all the above and assure you of world class services.

Just dial  +91- 8459136607 or +91- 9717771415 or drop an email to  advisors@boundlessindia.comfor getting specialised risk advisory services in Delhi/NCR. Also visit our website

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Why are process audits necessary for your business?

Process audits are nothing but a measure of whether the desired results which are being produced are being managed efficiently and effectively. When executed by experts in the industry, the audit gives spectacular results. Audits are carried out as and when required by the customer.  They are done for many business processes. Advisory services further to process audits provide insights to clients whether to retain the existing process or to exit it. The best provider charge reasonable fee and does utmost justice to your business requirements.

You might just get what you need here. Think all your prayers are answered because no one does process audits like we do. We have a stringent process of executing process audits so that utmost satisfaction to your business is given. We collect samples from your normal process and then test them for adherence. If found satisfactory by our expert panel/ personnel, it is signalled green, but if it is not found to be satisfactory then it is signalled red. Further, we go on advising businesses, through our advisory services. We go on recommending/not recommending after testing samples. In case of the red signalled process, we do not recommend it to the business. Further, in case of green signal, we do not alter the existing usage of it in the business.
A business may have varied processes such as marketing and sales, purchasing, business processes, projects and human resources. All processes require an audit at some point in time. Audits however, should be executed early. The more early they are done, the better it is for the business.

So what are you waiting for Folks..? Just dial  +91- 8459136607 or +91- 9717771415 or drop an email to getting expert process audit and advisory services in town.

Who knows, you just might get lucky today, for tomorrow.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

The Best Knowledge Process Outsourcing Service Provider Is In Town

Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) services are the most sought after services required by any business today. The services are an extension of business process outsourcing services.  Amongst a gamut of companies providing, KPO services, Boundless is a provider of such service which is best is town.
We provide all sorts of services catering to KPO such as training, consulting, legal and research.
 The services caters to the outsourcing of core-information related business activities. Since these activities are competitively important and form an integral part of the company's value chain, we use technical and analytical skills together to provide expert service.
At Boundless, we offer you the best when it comes to KPO services and do not let our customers down. Our customers are kings to us, thus we provide such services at a reasonable cost, giving no chance to our customers to complain.

It was in past that research, training were all carried out by a single company itself. But now there are specialists like us who have expertise in such areas and can perform KPO functions very well.
We provide services, acting as a facilitator between you and your client. We give you utmost service so that you can impress your customers and win them.
We are a team of young professionals who are dedicated to their jobs. Working day in and day out, we provide the best services when it comes to knowledge process outsourcing.
We provide payroll management, fixed asset and inventory management, account payable processing, management information system, and accounts receivable processing services to name a few.
We also are actively into reporting in each of the above domains providing accurate reports, using reporting mechanisms and tools.
At the end of the day you will not go unsatisfied and will be keen to work more with us, seeing our expert service.

To get more on our KPO services, visit immediately. For more details on us, call us at Mob no: +91 8459136607 , +91- 9717771415 or e-mail at or visit us at

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Advisory Services - A New Business Environment in the Making

Most companies, whether they are a buyer or a seller, lack the internal resources to undertake sophisticated mergers and acquisitions on their own. It is of prime importance to deliver the good advisors on your position. While many think that solely an investment bank can fill this role, Merger and Acquisition (M&A) advisory firms can also provide high-quality advice on corporate mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and as well as debt and equity financing.

We feel immensely pleasant to provide our clients highly reliable Risk Advisory Service. This Advisory Service is offered to our valued customers for supporting strategic goals and to foresee and meet evolving risk and regulatory submission demands. A squad of expert professionals comprehends variegated demands of our nodes and render this service to attain maximum satisfaction of our customers by providing them the best results. In accession to this, this advisory service is widely demanded for client-centric approach and fair cost.
Corporate advisory services are required to assure that a corporate enterprise runs efficiently at its maximum potential through efficient management of fiscal and other resources. It also rejuvenates old-line companies and ailing units and guides existing units in locating areas/natural processes of growth and diversification. Usually, Merchant Bankers provide these services. The corporate advisory services represent an important part of the portfolio of the bodily functions of merchant bankers

The corporate advisory services as explained do not encompass all the services provided by merchant banks in the corporate universe. In fact, there cannot be a finite list of these services. As new problems come up there would be a need for a new kind of corporate advice, which would solve those problems. Some merchant banks would bring up the challenge and gear up their bodily processes for providing the needed corporate advice. This contributes to the issue of new corporate advisory services. Thus it can be rightly said about merchant banks, "merchant banks are the institutions which identify and solve corporate problems".

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Internal audit is explanation to supply chain economical benefit

Consumers, governments and communities similar are anxious about their supply chain management and how the industrialized of consumer products impacts the lives of workers, their communities and the environment, as well as the security of the products produced.
Supply chain specialists have created many tools and frameworks to maintain the management of supplier risks, such as risk outlining techniques and the use of financial modelling to recognize the impact of supplier crash. These work best alongside Supply chain management audit team who are close to the audit committee and the management on supply chain issues and helping to build the right approach to risk. Such relationships ensure, for example, that supplier tendering processes are reviewed by internal audit and, once a supplier is selected, that contract negotiations with the selected supplier comprise access for internal audit to assess a supplier’s own risk management and controls or are able to view the supplier’s own internal audit reports.

Not only does this level of inspection enable a healthy and risk-aware approach on both sides of the supply deal, but it allows feasible problems to be addressed at the earliest possible occasion. Contracts that omit this can be difficult to renegotiate and opportunities to build positive risk-focused relationships between the organization and its suppliers are lost. This could have long term strategic consequences. If effective Supply Chain Audit Program is increasingly a key element of competitive advantage, then internal audit teams highly occupied in this aspect of the business are also significant to an organization’s competitive border.