Saturday, 30 April 2016

Objectives of Inventory Management

Through inventory management, the following objectives are met which are related to investment cost and service level. 
• The control process should be designed to premeditate policies in quantitative parameters so that consistency in operation can be achieved.
• Give decision rules in terms of quantitativeness that ushers in inventory control response.
• Adopt the simplest mathematical methods to make sure that daily calculations are performed. 
• Provide unpredented reporting for non-routine situations accurately.
• Provide appropriate levels of information to challenge and to replace system decisions. 

Boundless helps you effectuate all the above objectives accurately. 

The four basic components of inventory management, which Boundless has identified basis its experience, are as follows:

• Replenishment Stock- Determined by the ordering frequency and the quantity ordered, this is a stock resulting from policy ordering.
• Safety Stock - This kind of stock is stored for being perseverent with the demand / supply uncertainty.
• Anticipation Stock - Stock procured in advance of requirement.
• Movement Stock - This kind of stock can be dis jointly identified and is the kind which is in infiltration between suppliers and the customers. 

Boundless sees two main factors when it comes to inventory management:
• Tracking of quantity of stock in hand - This kind of monitoring ensures that there are sufficient products to meet the customer's requirements. The quantity is measured by stocktaking method on a regular basis. 
• Tracking of product's quality - This kind of monitoring guarantees, that the available products in stock are of high quality. The quality is measured by regular visual inspection of the stock and by ensuring that stores are kept in good order. 

If you are one of those ensembles that maintains inventory then Boundless helps you keep up with the above two major factors in inventory management. For more on inventory, call us at +91-11-66797769 or e-mail at or visit us at

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Ledgers: An Effective Way To Maintain All Business Transactions

Ledgers are books of accounts used for reporting economic transactions measured in monetary terms. Each financial transaction is noted inside a ledger. It depends on the size and structure of the organisation that the number of journal entries vary from hundreds to millions.

General ledger accounts are basically nothing but chart of accounts.

It helps in consolidating journal entries at a single place which are of same nature. Transfer of several journal entries in a single ledger account is termed as posting. For example, 100 entries of journal passed can be posted into a single sales account created. Post that, several sales transactions can be noted in that account date-wise.

Boundless helps you in doing this and maintaining ledgers all the while for your business.
Some important points that relate to ledger are:
1.  Each side of a journal entry is made on the same side of the ledger i.e. debit entry is made on the debit side while credit entry is made on the credit side.
2. Expenses and assets represent debit balance while income and liabilities represent credit balance including capital balance.
3. Debit balance in the statement represents amounts receivable while credit balance in the statement represents amounts payable. While amount receivables are noted in assets, amount payables are represented in liabilities.
4. While credit side represents income earned, debit side represents an organisation's expenses.
5. A cash book's debit balance means cash in hand.
6. Bank book's debit side is balance at bank and bank book's credit balance is bank overdraft.
7. However, real and personal account balances are represented in balance sheet and are carried onto next financial years.

For more on ledger services and related, call us at +91-11-66797769 or e-mail at info@boundlessindia.comor visit us at

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Implementing 5s In Warehouses

Boundless is one company that helps in implementing 5s, the Japanese methodology built in 1970s.  
We implement 5s in varied workplaces for you and warehouse in one such place where 5s when executed bring beautiful results. 


Sort or Seiri - This phase in 5s sorts the workplace i.e. unwanted things are removed for making space. This way new things can be accommodated in warehouse and existing  things that need space can get storage. The phase helps you retain essential things only which are required. One also can set priorities using last-in-last-out method or first-in-first-out. Boundless helps you do just that.

Tools that might be required include:
     1. Red tags
     2. Equipment tags
Straighten or Seiton - The phase helps streamline the warehousing process and eliminates wastage. Boundless helps you with seiton in reducing wastage of time and resources.
Tools that might be required include:
      1. Warehouse signs
      2. Labels / inventory tags
      3. Floor identifiers / markers 
Shine or Seiso - In an effort to know where is efficiency lacks, the warehouse's shine is mandatory. Boundless helps recommend any spill or leak fixtures to prevent hazards. 
Tools that might be required include:
      1. Spill kits  
      2. Janitorial supplies
Standardise or Seiketsu - Boundless in order to bring efficiency, executes consistency. The standard procedures are well documented in terms of work manuals. Another way to standardise is to conduct regular training sessions where emergency management is taught. 
Tools that might be required include:
       1. Training manuals
       2. Work posters 
Sustain or shitsuke - It is human nature to roll back to older methods but it is quite important to hold on to new processes after all, 5s is striving towards continuous excellence rather than to get stuck with old rotten techniques. 
For more on 5s or warehousing services and related, call us at +91-11-66797769 or e-mail at info@boundlessindia.comor visit us at

Monday, 11 April 2016

Offering The Best Warehousing Process Alternatives

Usually there are three kinds of warehouses
   •  High rack warehouses
      Offering a height of 50 metres, high rack warehouses provide maximum space utilisation. These kinds help store heavy and large volumes of goods. High rack warehouses can be further connected to a logistic centre's stations.  It should have essentials such as racks, delivery vehicles, stacker cranes and racking storage. It should have own control techniques that trigger effective material delivery.

  •  Small parts storage
    This kind of storage provides quick access to the goods stored. It enables high stock rotation. Through small parts storage, just in time production procedures are kept in place. The items in small parts storage are stored in small volume loading items like trays and plastic containers.  

     The storage aids in total space utilisation for a logistics centre and in ideal storage density. 
Centered around frequency of access of individual goods, the technique helps in multiple deep storage. The storage includes shuttle-systems, retrieval motor vehicles and racking storage. It also has a provision of electrical and mechanical maintenance.

     We at Boundless make a superb set of procedures that studies your small parts warehouses and do an extensive analysis of specific procedures. 

  •  Special warehouses
     Special kinds of storages includes load storages and coil storages.  A load storage creates space   for every kind of steel profile and individual components. And  in coil storages, the individual coils are packed so compactly that they offer a comprehensive solution. 

     Boundless provides customised solutions for above kinds of warehousing techniques. We provide alternate methods to improve your existing processes used in warehouses, so that you get the maximum benefit in terms of storage.

  For more on warehousing services and related, call us at +91-11-66797769 or e-mail at or visit us at